Yet another renal graft gave life, in a procedure that began yesterday at the “Papageorgiou” General Hospital of Thessaloniki, thanks to the greatness of a donor’s – aged 61- family, and was concluded today at the General Hospital of Athens “Evangelismos” with its transplantation into a man aged 42, who suffered from chronic renal failure. Dr Vasileios Drakopoulos, Dr Nikolaos Roukounakis and members of the Organ Transplantantion Unit (surgeons C. Nikolaidis & G. Kyriakopoulos) led the back table preparation of the graft, whose placement was concluded with the contribution of the – specialized for the last twenty years in Kidney, Liver & Pancreas Transplant – surgeon, Dr. Vassilis Vougas, the support of the Anaesthesiology Department and the Nursing staff of the hospital, under the coordination of Dimitris Pistolas, Aikaterini Balaska and the National Transplant Organization.

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