Two the grafts that were removed yesterday at Venizelio Hospital of Crete, during graft removal operation simultaneously from two organ multi-donors, found their “home”, today, as they were transplanted into two recipients.
Specifically, today, at the First Department of Surgery and Organ Transplant Unit of G.H.A. “Evangelismos”, under the Coordination of Director Dr. Spiros Drakopoulos, two kidney grafts were successfully transplanted in the unprecedented process of two parallel transplant procedures.
Head of the first surgical team was Dr. Vassilis Vougas, aided by Athanasios Bakalis & Constantinos Botsakis, while the second surgical team was led by Dr. Spiros Drakopoulos, Dr. Vasileios Drakopoulos and Dr. Nikolaos Roukounakis, supported by Christos Nikolaidis & Vasilis Kalatzis, always with the support of the Anaesthesiology Department and the nursing staff of the hospital.
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