Dr. Vasileios Drakopoulos participated in the 12th Panhellenic Congress of Laparoendoscopic Surgery, with a total of 22 subjects. Dr. Drakopoulos joined the Round table on “Colon: Tips & Tricks”, where he presented techniques for the “Mobilization of the right colon & vessel ligation”. Through the Congress, Dr. Drakopoulos lectured on the “Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy technique with jejunal pouch reconstruction” and  the “Three-Port Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy” and show-cased through video projection the rare case of a “Laparoscopic Total Pancreatoduodenectomy on a patient with coexisting IPMN & SPNP neoplasms”. At the Scientific Program of the Congress, 17 of Dr.Drakopoulos’ abstracts – all on different areas of Laparoscopic Surgery –  where presented by Dr. Drakopoulos and Konstantinos Botsakis, Sotiris Voulgaris, Maria Christina Papadopoulou, Sofia Petsa-Poutouri and Katerina Sarafi, members of the 1st Department of Surgery & Transplant Unit of “Evangelismos” G.H.A.
For further information please visit http://www.laparoscopy2017.gr/